From MafiaMatrix
Page is a work in progress
All unlocked badges and the respective badge descriptions will be shown here as well as the number of badges yet to be unlocked in that category.
- Earn
- Still getting started "Be nice to *insert name*, (He/She)'s just starting up and learning the ropes."
- 1,000 earns "I remember being as new as *insert name*, then again I also remember nobody caring. Guess some things never change."
- 2,000 earns "So *insert name* has a couple thousand earns... I eat nails for breakfast, do you see me bragging about it?"
- 5,000 earns "With this kind of game knowledge *insert name* could definitely show up a small child."
- 10,000 earns "*insert name* has now learned enough to not be a n00b anymore, doesn't mean we still can't treat Him/Her like one."
- 20,000 earns "*insert name* has been out of any source of natural light for so long they get moon burns."
- 50,000 earns "Few people have accomplished what *insert name* has, (He/She) is truly among the elite in MafiaMatrix."
- 75,000 earns "If they gave out a masters degree for MafiaMatrix, *insert name* would have graduated and be teaching (His/Hers) own class by now."
- 100,000 earns "Some people quit and some people retire, however people like *insert name* keep going for the sole purpose of giving Croot more work to do."
- 150,000 earns "The addiction has set in. *insert name* has an unexplainable lust for clicking earns."
- 200,000 earns "If I had a gold star for every earn *insert name* has done, I could make an entire kindergarten class envious."
- 250,000 earns "*insert name*'s mother is still hoping for the day (He/She) will move out of the basement."
- 300,000 earns "For *insert name*, MafiaMatrix can qualify as a daytime job. Or maybe a night time job. Nope, it's an everytime job."